Grief Recovery Method Group Programme
The Grief Recovery Method is an educational programme of guided self-help for anyone who has experienced a loss due to the death of someone important in their life, the end of a relationship, loss of a job, loss of health or one of over 40 significant life events that evoke grief.
As an Advanced Grief Recovery Specialist I run the 8 week programme online, until restrictions lift. Each week there is a session that lasts between 2 hrs. The Grief Recovery Handbook in included in the price of the programme.
Woking through the programme in a group setting with other people experiencing their own losses, can be particularly helpful for some people. Knowing you are not alone is very supportive. The nature of the programme means you do not need to share details of your loss to the group if you prefer not to
More details about the course are below.
If you are interested in the course and would like to know more and if it is right for you, please email me at