Emotional check in
Where did I put that?, why can’t I find it?, I have no idea what I am doing!, why have I come downstairs?….. we all have moments of forgetting and misplacing things, especially if you have just had a baby like I had. Grief has a habit of heightening that forgetfulness and confusion. When my … Continued
As licensed funeral professionals know, a great deal of their training in mortuary science school relates to the medical and health aspects of dealing with the remains in their care; and with a host of other technical information necessary to perform their duties. In addition, they need to become aware of dealing with the clergy … Continued
Ultimately, how you look at your life, is what will make you happy or unhappy. When you are consumed with negative thoughts and beliefs, you will discover that you are unhappy with your life. Eventually, your perception of the world will become your reality. This is why changing your mindset is so important because it … Continued
You set a goal and you’ve been doing well. Then you get to the point where it would be just a little too easy to skip a day. You’re contemplating that piece of cheesecake, that cigarette or are seriously tempted to skip the gym today. Your motivation is slacking and the initial excitement is starting … Continued
We are where we are, because of our thoughts in the past. Thoughts become things. We consciously or subconsciously always think about something. The problem is that we usually think more about things we don’t want, then about the things we want. It doesn’t matter if we want or don’t want something, we’ll get what … Continued
One of the reasons we can struggle to stick to our goals is because we don’t see big results right away. It doesn’t matter if you’re trying to lose weight, pay of credit cards or quit smoking. We stick with the program for a few weeks and then start to lose steam and motivation. It … Continued
Are you just dreaming? You want to lose 30 pounds… eventually. You want to save up £20,000 for a down payment on a house … at some point. You want to make enough money to life comfortably … somewhere down to road. Without an end date, you have nothing to shoot for. It’s nothing more … Continued
Did you make a New Year’s Resolution this year? How are you getting on with it? Why not ditch the resolutions and make some smart goals you want to reach instead. There are a couple of reasons why resolutions may not work well for you. If they do, great. Keep doing what you’re doing, but … Continued
Visualisation is by far one of the most powerful tools for goal setting and attracting what you want. Yet few people know how to properly visualise. With the right technique you can begin to see outstanding results in successfully attracting what you want, if you fully apply what you learn. You are visualising all the … Continued